Reduction of building footprint compared to legacy airports
9 aircraft can be operated in a 3 row/3 cell Symphony® terminal + apron module of 18,000sqm footprint (180m x 100m) compared to 35,000sqm traditional airport with a 9-bay 20,000sqm-footprint terminal pier + 15,000sqm apron at the same time.
However, airlines and other stakeholders need to agree in sharing lanes/facilities with other airlines as this requires synchronization of the operational procedures of each airline and ground handlers (a process currently implemented in traditional operation at other airports including Luton Airport).
Reduction in turnaround time compared to legacy airports up to 30%
The turnaround time can be significantly reduced in ‘normal’ peak hour situation by simplified taxiing and faster terminal operation. A challenge to the application of Symphony® at Gatwick appears at the morning peak hour, generated by 180 aircraft parked overnight, aiming for take-off in the first hour of operation. However in a mixed traditional/Symphony® operation, this challenge is easily overcome.
Significant reduction in emissions
Moving aircraft from the runway to the Symphony® terminal and back to the runway can be by a Symphony® pull through system, or by electric towing methods used in conjunction with an apron-integrated. The aircraft engines are shut down during taxi and gate operations saving fuel and reduce CO2 and noise emissions. The pull-through system is fully automatic, integrated into the ground control system, and run by the ground control tower personnel. The system maximizes safety by optimizing airport taxiway traffic, reducing personnel and equipment in and around ground flight operations, controlling all aircraft movements during taxi and gate operations and greatly reducing human factor errors. With the system airport capacity will increase up to additional 30%.
Biometrics, RFID bag tagging
The provision of biometrics and RFID will substantially increase the speed of the passenger operation and therefore have a positive impact on the sizing of passenger lounge areas, further supporting the reduction of the footprint of Symphony® terminals.
Demonstrating the modular terminal expansion without disruption
The simple expandability of Symphony® terminals is undisputed in greenfield areas. As the terminal has to prove its application in existing airport environments the expandability in most cases will be subject to airside access and land availability, impacting on terminal and apron layout arrangements.
A further detailed planning may offer, in the case of the Gatwick Pier 6 extension the opportunity to utilize elements of the existing airport that become redundant with the introduction and expansion of a Symphony® style terminal.
Overall economy of CAPEX, OPEX and carbon footprint
Savings in emissions, staff numbers, ramp vehicles and reduction of potential accidents will be proved against CAPEX and OPEX costs of Symphony® terminals in a wider analysis.